The Bullies in Us
Einstein once said that the world would not be destroyed by those who do evil. But by those who watch them without doing anything. We often see negative comments by … Continue readingThe Bullies in Us
To touch is to experience, but to feel is to live
Einstein once said that the world would not be destroyed by those who do evil. But by those who watch them without doing anything. We often see negative comments by … Continue readingThe Bullies in Us
As a regular person who also maintains a regular 9 to 5 job, I increasingly grow restless whenever I hear of ‘Industry 4.0’. The term itself is not new and … Continue readingBe human.
“We’re in the era of digital video, and it’s a mess” – Steve Jobs Yes, we live in a digital era, smartphone glued to the hand, and your eyes are … Continue readingEmbrace The Digital Mess That You Are